Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Corinth, Florence, & Rome

Saturday: Corinth & Ferry Ride
Leaving Athens with our bags packed, we headed to the ancient city of Corinth.  Our theme for the day was “Love,” and we focused on the letters of Paul to the Corinthians (see I Cor. 13).  While at the site, students gave presentations about Roman society during the days of the early church.  We also celebrated Communion in the ancient agora as we read I Cor 11.  It was a very meaningful time for all of us to share in fellowship and praise.

With their sack lunches in hand, the students hiked the haunting remains of the 12th century Acrocorinth fortress with breathtaking views of the valleys and seas below.  In the afternoon we set out for the port of Patra for our ferry/cruise to Italy.  Saying good-bye to Greece was not easy as we shared so many wonderful moments together in this lovely country.

Monday: Florence
After arriving in Italy on Sunday and checking into our hotel in Florence, we spent the day exploring the greatest city of the Renaissance.  We began at the delicately magnificent Duomo of Florence, which, later in the day, many student climbed to the top of (463 stairs!).  We continued our examination of the great art and architecture while some students took a tour of the world famous Uffizi gallery. 

Tuesday: Rome
Our first day in Rome was jam packed with the history of the world’s greatest empire.  After student chariot races in the Circus Maximus, we headed to the Coliseum, the great Roman symbol of violence and brutality.   While in the Coliseum we read from I Peter and discussed how the followers of Jesus should anticipate persecution and suffering because of their witness for Christ. 

We then continued to the Roman Forum, the center of the Empire and the place where Julius Caesar was assassinated.  After a day filled with history, the students were glad to enjoy a welcome Roman treat: gelato!  Just before dinner we set out the basic themes of Romans and the importance for Paul to connect belief with behavior.  Dr. Sparks presented an outline of Romans and laid out the basic themes of this significant letter of Paul’s. 

With the Vatican City awaiting us tomorrow, students have a big day ahead of them.  On Thursday, they have a big flight ahead of them as well.  Thank you all for your support and prayers as this trip comes successfully to a close.  We’ll be updated the blog once more, so be sure to check back in!

Students on the ruins of Ancient Corinth
In front of the monolithic Temple of Apollo in Corinth
On the Acrocorinth
Taylor students representing
Our overnight ferry to Italy!
The bell tower of the Duomo of Florence
On top of the Duomo with breathtaking views of Florence
Who knew they had pizza in Italy?
In the Roman Coliseum

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