Thursday, January 27, 2011

Vatican City & Closing Remarks

Wednesday – Vatican City & The Final Days of Paul
We set out this morning on our last day of touring for the tiny country of the Vatican City.  After entering the colonnade topped with statues by Bernini, we entered the Vatican Museum, home to many of the world’s greatest treasures.  We were told that if we stopped at every artifact in the museum and spend 3 minutes looking at each one, it would take us over 4 years to see it all.  As it was, we spent 4 hours.  The students examined many classical works of sculpture and canvases from the Renaissance greats.  The highlight of the tour was the Sistine Chapel, from where the students strained their necks to see the great frescos of Michelangelo.  After exiting the museum, we took a tour of St. Peter’s basilica, the grandest cathedral in the Catholic Church. 

Following lunch we went to the ancient Catacombs and toured the subterranean grave sites of the Christians from the Roman period.  While in the Catacombs, we joined in worship thanking God for the gift of our resurrection in Jesus Christ, both for the new life we have currently and the promise of life eternal when Christ shall come in all his glory.  We closed the day and our travels with a visit to the church of Paul's execution where we read from II Timothy about the importance of running the race with endurance, sustained by the grace of God.

Following dinner, we had time to share our highlights and special moments.  It was wonderful to hear the students say they had grown so much in their faith and in their commitment to follow Christ.  Here is what one student wrote in a note to us...

“Thank you so much for all you have done on this trip.  I can honestly say that this experience has changed my life.  The way God uses you to make the Scriptures come alive to all of us makes it evident that you are deeply connected with Him.  I will keep you both in my prayers, praying that God will continue to use you to turn hearts to him like you have done with mine.  Please pray for me as I go back and use what I have learned to live my life wholly for Christ.”

We dropped the students off at the airport this morning, and they are all set to arrive back in the States this evening.  Thank you for entrusting your students to us over these past many days.  It has been a blessing for Elizabeth and I to lead your students through the Biblical sites of Greece and Italy, and we know that the Lord has used this time for their growth. 

In Christ,

David Sparks

PS.  Please do not hesitate to write, and tell your students that we always love to receive pictures!

St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City
Students in front of St. Peter's
In the hall of the maps in the Vatican Museum

Preparing to enter the Ancient Catacombs

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